American Revolution

My favorite time of history is the American Revolution. I don’t know why, but ever since I learned about it, I’ve felt so attached to it. I find it so interesting how America came to be.

It all started when King George III taxed the tea in Britain. So, our founding fathers (George Washington, Thomas Jefferson, John Adams, Benjamin Franklin, James Madison, John Jay, and Alexander Hamilton) took a stand and took charge to make the United States an independent country. The United States and Britain went into the Revolution. The Declaration of Independence sparked hope in the Americans which helped us to victory and freedom. France helped us greatly with weapons and men to fight.

慶祝無產階級十月革命勝利一百週年日!The Day World Working Class People Won in Russia in Human History: 11.7.1917-11.7.2017 October Revolution 100 AnniversaryCreative Commons License RYOTA NAKANISHI A ONE-MAN ARMY RETURNS TO NO-MANS’ via Compfight

We won the Revolution and became an independent country. Many countries gained their independence the same way. Just like France. They gained their independence after us. This liking of the American Revolution might explain my liking of the musical “Hamilton”.

What is your favorite time period?


Founding Fathers

How Did It Start?


Goals For Homeless Horses

For my 20% Time Project, one big accomplishment that I feel happy about is that we already have almost everything set up. We just need a few more guarantees from a few people such as cameras and place and time for interviews. But, that might take some time to set up since we don’t know a lot of people who own horses. I’m happy we are in this place because I thought it was going really slow, but it’s looking like it’s going quicker.

Our December goals are to contact Kim to see if we can interview her because she is the one who sparked our idea. We would also like to know if we can shoot a video at where she keeps her horses so that we have something to show other than interviews.

Slow time Paulo Etxeberria via Compfight